Testimonial from Spot!

Testimonial Saturday

After one treatment for Spot

"Just wanted to say Spot the dog is doing well since his treatment. I've not seen the funny gait at all"

🐕🐶 Testamonial Saturday 🐕🐶 1 treatment for Spot "Just wanted to say Spot the dog is doing well since his treatment. I've not seen the funny gait at all"

Posted by Helen Thornton EST & PEMF Musculoskeletal Sports Therapist on Saturday, 3 October 2020
Helen Thornton

I am a qualified, fully insured complementary therapist for people of all ages and their pets, a High-Intensity Therapeutic PEMF practitioner for athletes at all levels, and a highly experienced Equine Sports Therapist based in Lincolnshire, UK


Lovely dog - now pretty free from Lameness